Artesia Healing Arts understands what abuse is like. And we want to give you a positive way to handle your anger and pain, an essential step in breaking the chain of family violence for future generations. During the workshops, you will regain a sense of value and blossom like an unfolding flower. Art provides you a lifelong tool to explore your feelings, hopes, and dreams.
If you are questioning whether you are in an abusive relationship, please look over this information. We are here to help you before your situation worsens. Once violence begins, it typically continues to increase in both frequency and severity. Battering is a crime. Do not stay in a relationship because of guilt, fear, pride, embarrassment, financial dependence, or any combination of these reasons.
Emergency shelters
The Coalition to End Family Violence
24 Hour Billingual Hotline: (805) 656 - 1111 or (800) 300-2181
Interface: Children AND Family Services
(805) 485 - 6114
Call someone
Ventura County Victim Services (805) 654 - 3622
After hours Ventura Police Department (805) 650-8010